Royal Castles

Torino was Italy’s first capital and every period corresponds to a different identity that has left a mark on the city’s portrait expressed in its cultural, architectural and monumental Heritage.

The Baroque style is identified that of some of the old town centre’s best known streets and piazzas such as via Po, piazza Castello and piazza San Carlo.

The core of Torino’s Baroque system is the “Corona delle Delizie”,crown of delights, a circuit of 15 Royal Residence located in different part of the city, the suburbs and throughout the Piemonte region was
declared “World Heritage Sites” in 1997.

The residences located in the city are the Palazzo Reale, royal palace, the Savoy residence until 1865, Palazzo Madama, home of the Museo di Arte Antica ,museum of ancient art, and Palazzo Carignano, headquarters of the Parlamento Subalpino as well as that of Italy’s first Parliament after the National Unification.

Outside city limits the magnificent Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi,,hunting lodge, the spectacular Reggia di Venaria Reale.

The Reggia di Venaria Reale is a former royal residence located near Turin.

It is one of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy included in the UNESCO Heritage List in 1997.

The Palace was designed and built from 1675 by Amedeo di Castellamonte

The Castello di Rivoli was designed by Juvarra in the 18th century, inspired by Versailles and connected to the Basilica di Superga by a 20-kilometre long axis, also designed by the architect from Messina.